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Charles Finney’s Sermons on Gospel Themes includes twenty-four sermons preached by Finney at Oberlin College between 1845 and 1861. These sermons integrate spiritual life with experience and emotions and emphasize a profound commitment to moral living as an evidence of faith—the hallmarks of Finney’s theology. This volume also includes sermons on conversion, Christian experience, the atonement,...

pleads as his excuse, that he has not time to do what God demands of him. Let me ask you, sinner, how much time will it take you to do the first great duty which God requires—namely, give Him your heart? How long will this take? How long need you be in making up your mind to serve and love God? Do you not know that this, when done, will be done in one moment of time? And how long need you be in persuading yourself to do it? Your meaning may be this: Lord, it takes me so long to make up my mind to
Pages 76–77